The Best Topic Research Paper About Judicial Justice Of Behaverial Human Services
Monday, May 25, 2020
When to Use the Partitive Article in Italian
In Italian grammar, the partitive article (articolo partitivo) is used to introduce an unknown amount. Ho trovato dei fichi a poco prezzo. - I found some cheap figs.A volte passo delle giornate impossibili. - Sometimes I have some impossible days.Vorrei delle mele, degli spinaci e dei pomodori. - Id like some apples, some spinach, and some tomatoes. The partitive article is formed much like articulated repositions (preposizioni articolate): (di definite articles). Similar to articulated prepositions, partitive articles vary depending on the gender, number, and the sound that follows. It gets its name from the fact that it normally indicates a part of a set or a whole and is used in Romance languages, such as French and Italian. You Can Also Say...​ There are no fixed rules for the use of the partitive. You can often get the same meaning by using the words â€Å"qualche - some,†â€Å"alcuni - some,†and â€Å"un po di - a bit of.†Berrei volentieri del vino. - I would gladly drink some wine.Berrei volentieri un po di vino. - I would gladly drink a bit of wine.Berrei volentieri vino. - I would gladly drink wine. A distinction is usually made between the use of the singular (much less frequent) and plural (more common). The partitive singular is used for an unspecified amount of an item that’s considered non-countable: Vorrei del vino fruttato. - I would like some fruity wine.I viaggiatori presero della grappa a poco prezzo ed andarono via. - The travelers had some cheap grappa and left. In the plural, however, the partitive indicates an undetermined quantity of a countable element. Ho visto dei bambini. - I saw some children. In this case, the partitive article is treated as a plural form of the indefinite article (articolo indeterminativo). While definite articles have a plural form, indefinite articles do not. Therefore, when referring in general to objects in the plural, use either a partitive article or an (aggettivo indefinito) such as alcuni or qualche (alcuni libri - some books, qualche libro - some books). Some nouns, depending on the context, can be considered both as countable (prendo dei caffà ¨ - I’ll have some coffee) and as uncountable (prendo del caffà ¨ - I’ll have some coffee). In Italian, in contrast to French, the partitive article can often be omitted. For example, certain combinations of prepositions and partitive articles are not recommended, either because it doesn’t sound good or because of its use combined with abstract words. Ho comprato delle albicocche veramente eccezionali. - I bought some truly outstanding apricots. In this example, it would be preferable to use an adjective (or indicate a certain kind of apricot) with the noun. Where it would be appropriate to omit it, the partitive article can be replaced by an expression that depends on the context. ARTICOLO PARTITIVO SINGOLARE PLURALE MASCHILE del dei dello, dell degli FEMMINILE della delle
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Politics Dissertation
Sample details Pages: 12 Words: 3621 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? The topic of illegal immigration has been an issue for debate with lawmakers, the President, member of congress and America as a whole for the past several years. In very general terms, illegal immigrants are people, primarily from Mexico and Central America who illegally cross over the border into the United States. These men and women of all ages are not fleeing their homeland because of repression, harsh dictatorships, genocide, civil wars or religious persecution; however, they are crossing over the American border primarily for economic reasons. These individuals are coming to the United States in seek of a better lifestyle. They want to make more money to help support their families both here in America and back in their home country. They are fleeing oppression, chronic unemployment, poverty, and little or no opportunities in their homelands. As unfortunate it is, the law stands between their desire to live and work in the United States. Strict policy is needed to prevent these immigrants from coming into the United States illegally. Otherwise the consequence will be massive illegal settlements in this U.S. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Politics Dissertation | Illegal Immigration People" essay for you Create order Since the early 1800s, immigration has been both a crucial component of Americas growth and a periodic source of conflict. In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt said, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. He went on to say, This is predicated on the person becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isnt an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag! We have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people, (Little, 2006). Its been seen over the past decade that the national debate over illegal immigration has grown. This displays a widespread belief that previous immigration control laws have failed and are continuing to. For example, despite a 1986 federal law that created penalties for employers who hire undocumented workers or illegal immigrants knowingly, businesses continued to do so. President George W. Bushs new strategy had taken form. Instead of his earlier emphasis on finding a way for U.S. businesses to continue employing illegal immigrants on a temporary basis, he now spoke of preventing such undocumented workers or illegal immigrants from ever entering the United States to begin with. Weve got a comprehensive strategy that says were going to enforce this border. Were going to prevent people from coming here in the first place, (Furlong and Kraft 2007, 121). President Bushs new strategy came as Congress prepared to consider legislation that addressed border security and immigration. Unfortunately because the Presidents standing in public opinion polls was so low and conservatives in his own party wanted a different approach, he had few choices but to change his policys direction. Democrats have accused the President of delaying action on immigration reform for far too long. Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts said, It is time for President Bush to resist those on the right who rely on fear tactics to prevent our broken system from being fixed. True immigration reform would have to be more comprehensive and more realistic than the Presidents proposals, he added, strengthening our security while bringing an underground economy above ground, (Furlong and Kraft 2007, 121). In 2005 the number of illegal immigrants in the United States rose dramatically to well over ten million people and was growing rapidly, at an estimate of a half a million people each year. According to Fred Elbel of the Department of Homeland Security, as of November 10, 2007 there was an estimated 34,094,840 illegal aliens in the United States. Since January 1, 2007, 3,134,840 illegal aliens have made their way over the border and into the United States, (Elbel, 2007). The western and southern part of America has seen the biggest influx of immigrants. Among a vast spectrum of other concerns, policy makers focus on the high cost to the states that are providing education and medical care for undocumented workers and their families. Some worry that a high rate of illegal immigrants suggests that the United States borders are without the needed security that is essential to prevent entry from potential terrorists. However, some, particularly business owners, are inclined to minimize the problem. They believe that the health of the U.S. economy is dependent on immigrant workers and they argue that the economy would suffer without the contribution of illegal immigrants. Some disagree and argue that the economic benefits from illegal immigrants working in America only helps their home economy. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that ten percent of restaurant workers in the U.S., twenty-five percent of domestic help in private households, and nearly sixty percent of agricultural workers are in the country illegally. Also statistics show that fifty-six percent of illegal immigrants in the United States come north primarily from Mexico to supply thousands of U.S. employers and farmers with low-skilled workers. A completely hypothetical way of viewing illegal immigration is to think of the United States like a homeowner who went for a long walk and left their garage door open. Inside the garage is a new car, a wallet, a cellular phone, and a suitcase full of money. Another man, destitute of money and with little or no hope of positive opportunity, walks past the garage and notices that its door is open and unattended. He has a family who needs food and he himself has been unemployed for several months. He decides to enter the garage. No one noticed him enter. He found the new car, the wallet, the cellular phone and the suitcase full of money. Without hesitation, he takes the wallet and the suitcase and quickly disappears and enjoys what he took without permission. To make himself feel better, he tells himself that he only went into the garage and took what he did because he needed to feed his family and because he was down on his luck. He did not hurt anyone in the process and he figures that the homeowner can always file a claim with his insurance company to get back what was taken. When the homeowner returns from his walk, he notices that he has been robbed and files a report with the local police department. The police in turn tell him that there is nothing they can do since there were no witnesses. The police suggest that the homeowner lock up his garage the next time he goes for a long walk to prevent another illegal entry and robbery. Some would argue that the man who left his garage door open is at fault, others would say it was the intruder who stole the property, and some would say its both their faults. Was the one man a thief for entering the garage without permission and the homeowner careless for leaving the garage door open and unattended? Traditional law states that the intruder is a thief and common sense says that the homeowner was careless in failing to protect his assets from potential intruders. Did the homeowner deserve to be robbed because he left his garage door open? Some would say yes because he was careless. On the other hand the robber who walked away with the homeowners valuables committed a crime. If he was caught, tried and convicted, he could face fines and possibly some time in jail. Some people would look at from the perspective that the robber did what he did to feed his family and pay for his basic necessities. He only stole to help his family survive. He views it as something honorable because he provided for his family. In this hypothetical scenario, the fact that the homeowner left his garage door open and easily accessible to thieves does not give them permission for someone to trespass into his property and steal his valuables solely because they were just there. Regardless of the thiefs reasoning for taking someone elses private property, stealing is stealing no matter how it is rationalized. Similarly, illegal immigration may solve financial challenges faced by the growing millions of illegal aliens who are in the United States to work and improve their lives. Yet, no matter how a person looks at it, illegal entry is still just that, illegal. Jobs are taken from those who are rightfully entitles to them. It is not legal, moral, or ethically right to enter the country illegally and benefit from opportunities that were primarily designed for legal residents and citizens. The reasons why millions of people enter the United States illegally does not make it correct to break the law and disregard the sovereignty of the United States. Breaking the law is not justifiable because illegal immigrants want to take advantage of jobs, provide for their family, escape poverty, receive medical care, public education, and much more. As harsh as it is, illegal immigrants are not entitled to the freedom which were primarily designed for those who are in the country by birthright or legal residency status. The belief that it is socially acceptable to break the law as long as a persons reasoning is with good intentions is flawed. A person cannot take advantage of someones benefits because they need to. Immigrating to America legally, whether or not it is easy, is praiseworthy. Breaking they law and crossing the border illegally is not. The punishment should fit the crime. A person should not leave their garage door open if they value what they own and would-be intruders should learn that just because they garage door is open, it does not give them the right to walk in and take what they need. It is seen very often that desperate people do not care much about right and wrong or the law for that matter. Desperation often causes people to rationalize and justify all types of illegal activities. Illegal entry into the United States to work has been allowed to become a complex issue but this is not an unsolvable problem. The United States would be off to a good start if the government imposed hefty fines on employers who knowingly and unknowingly hire illegal immigrants or undocumented workers for labor. The loophole in the current law conveniently allows employers to look the other way and claim that they are not able to verify the authenticity of documents that their workers provide. Millions of people steal social security numbers from American citizens and get away with it. They in turn enjoy many of the same things honest people work for. While illegal immigrants only make up about five percent of the United States work force, they are quickly being noticed in non-traditional areas immigrant to settle. Areas like these are in the midwest and the south. Undocumented workers and illegal immigrants are willing to work for very low wages by American standards. This has caused political turmoil in these new areas where immigration had little or no presence before. Immigration is now a national phenomenon is a way that was less true a decade ago, (Greenblatt, Katel, Marshall 2007, 341). Mark Krikorian, executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies said, In places like Georgia and Alabama, which had little experience with immigration before, people are experiencing it firsthand. The beginning of any policy study involves a description of the problem. Obviously the problem is illegal immigration and unfortunately only a select few legislators are taking measures to fix the problem. The former Mayor of New York City and presidential candidate, Rudy Giuliani, has a firm stance of illegal immigration. He stated that real immigration reform must put security first because border security and homeland security are inseparable in the Terrorists War on Us. The first responsibility of the federal government is to protect our citizens by controlling Americas borders, while ending illegal immigration and identifying every non-citizen in our nation. We must restore integrity, accountability, and the rule of law to our immigration system to regain the faith of the American people, (Giuliani, 2007). The Governor of New Mexico and also Presidential candidate, Bill Richardson, has similar feelings about immigration reform as Giuliani. As a Hispanic-American, and Governor of a border state, I know that our nation can no longer afford to ignore the issue of illegal immigration. Undocumented immigrants have broken the law to enter our country, but they are here and most of them work hard, pay taxes, support families, and contribute to the communities they live in. Entire sectors of our economy rely on these laborers -construction, restaurants, and agricultural, for example. We cant just ignore this issue any longer. Splitting up families, building walls, and making impractical proclamations is not the answer. America needs to solve the problem, not tear itself apart over it, (Richardson, 2007). He believes in recognizing the reality of the immigration problem and addressing it head-on. He has a plan to solve it by taking four realistic steps. First, secure the border. Second, increase legal immigration. Third, prevent employers from hiring illegal workers. Lastly, provide a path to legislation for most of the eleven million illegal immigrants already here. Representative F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., of Wisconsin, created the Real ID bill. This requires proof of citizenship or legal status in the United States in order to get a drivers license. This bill was signed into law in May 2005 and will take effect in May 2008. We will never have homeland security if we dont have border security, (Greenblatt, Katel, Marshall 2007, 341). Sensenbrenners reform means blocking states from issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, imposing new restrictions on asylum seekers, and finishing a border fence near San Diego, California. The debate of immigration has divided the Republican Party. The Republican controlled House of Representatives passed H.R. 4437 in December 2005. This is a measure that contained procedures for securing the borders, harsher penalties for people assisting illegal migration into the United States and provisions for deporting illegal aliens that are already here, (Greenblatt, Katel, Marshall 2007, 343). The proposed legislation does not provide for a guest worker program or any form of amnesty for illegal workers. The borders are out of control, says T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing ten thousand border officers. He said that the patrol catches no more than a third of illegal aliens crossing the border. We have a situation where business is controlling our immigration policy rather than sound decisions that take into account all the factors, including homeland security, (Greenblatt, Katel, Marshall 2007, 344). The government has almost stopped enforcing sanctions approved in 1986 on employers who hire illegal immigrants. According to Mary Dougherty, an immigration statistician at the Department of Homeland Security, in 2003 the agency levied only $9,300.00 in fines against employers. Time also reported in 2004 that the number of fines imposed on employers dropped ninety-nine percent during the 1990s from 1,063 in 1992 to 13 in 2002, (Greenblatt, Katel, Marshall 2007, 345). While there are many ideas and strongly differing views on what to do about illegal immigration, the government must recognize that any program that rewards illegal aliens who have broken the laws of the United States with citizenship is undeserved and unwarranted amnesty. Illegal immigration must be treated much like a broken water pipe. When a water pipe breaks, the very first thing that must be done is have the water shut off and then the mess is cleaned up. This is common sense that most in the government seem to be missing. This requires two different set of actions. First, slowing down and eventually preventing all illegal border-crossings and then making it harder for existing illegal immigrants to live in the US while simultaneously encouraging many to go home as well as deporting others. Doctors at The Heritage Foundation are quoted as saying, Immigration reform should be a matter of national priority. To be successful, reforms must include a comprehensive package of measures to reduce illegal entry into the United States as well as to reduce the current population of unlawfully present persons. The cornerstone of any such initiative must be a fair and practical program for repatriating foreign persons who are illegally present in the United States, (Carafano, Meese III, Spalding, 2005). For the sake of national security, the rule of law, and responsible immigration policy, Congress and the President must move towards reducing the number of people who are illegally in the United States. Immigration reform must not encourage this problem. In particular, any new initiative must not grant permission, as a matter of policy, for illegal immigrants to remain legally in the country. Such a program would undermine the credibility of efforts not only to control Americas borders, but also to advance reasonable legal immigration reform. A better alternative would be for policymakers to create a comprehensive solution that brings better national security. Part of this solution should be a realistic and reasonable program to assist illegal immigrants in returning to their homelands before applying for legal reentry to the United States. What the United States needs is a comprehensive strategy that reverses decades of ignoring, indeed encouraging, the disregard of requirements for legally entering and lawfully residing in this country. A better strategy would be to get the cooperation of federal, state, and local governments and non-governmental organizations to all work together. Laws need to be enforced within the United States, including identity theft,, prosecuting benefits fraud, tax evasion, and immigration violations. Also, America should work with other nations to enforce laws, to educate their citizens, and to develop more desirable legal alternatives for undocumented workers. The government must help other nations to adopt sound governance and economic policies that will promote growth in their economies and negate the need for citizens to take low-paying jobs in the United States. It has been made very clear that America does not want to anger other countries with border security and that most people cannot tell the difference between illegal invasion to work and legal immigration. It should then be up to the individual states to develop internal methods to prevent abuse of tax-based resources. States should not provide any form of preferential treatment towards individuals who break federal laws, even if they work and pay taxes. This may be justifiable in their minds but the fact remains that they are still in the country illegally. The government needs to also help the private sector by teaching employers how to identify legal workers quickly and easily at a reasonable cost and in a manner that respects individuals rights and privacy but at the same time identify the illegal ones through a national identification system, similar to the one crated by Sensenbrenners, The Real ID Act. The government should also implement a central document verification agency to pre-screen all employment applications and issue approval forms and identification photos to prospective employees. While at the current rate the government will never have an efficient wall to block out illegal immigrants. It is up to the individual states to create internal security measures to prevent budgetary and financial abuses caused by the growing illegal population. President Bush and a bipartisan group of ten senators announced an agreement on May 17, 2007, on a comprehensive, compromise plan to tighten border security and address the future of Americas twelve million illegal immigrants. The agreement reached today is one that will help enforce our borders, Bush said. But equally importantly, it will treat people with respect. This is a bill where people who live in our country will be treated without amnesty, but without animosity. Senator Kennedy said, The plan isnt perfect, but only a bipartisan bill will become law, (Greenblatt, Katel, Marshall 2007, 357). The agreement would grant temporary legal status to almost all illegal immigrants, giving then the right to apply for residence visas and citizenship through a lengthy process. Illegal immigrants would have to wait for eight years before applying for permanent resident status, pay fines of up to $5,000.00 and, heads of households would be forced to leave the country and reenter legally. Are these signs of positive actions to be taken toward illegal immigrants? Over the next few years will America see a reduction in the number of illegal immigrants and an increase in the applications for legal immigrants? American surely hopes so. Only time will tell what actions will truly be taken by the American government in response to the increasing number of illegal immigrants crossing its borders. Bibliography Carafano, James Jay, Edwin Meese III and Matthew Spalding. 2005. Alternatives to Amnesty: Proposals for Fair and Effective Immigration Reform. The Heritage Foundation. (10 November 2007). Elbel, Fred. 2007. How many illegal aliens are in the U.S.? Refernce.. The American Resistance. https://the ( 10 November 2007). Furlong, Scott R. and Michael E. Kraft. 2007.Public Policy: Politics, Analysis and Alternatives. New Jersey. Pearson Prentice Hall. Giuliani, Rudy. 2007. 12 Commitments To The American People. JoinRudy2008. (10 November 2007). Greenblatt, Alan, Peter Katel and Patrick Marshal. 2007. Issues For Debate: In American Public Policy. 8th Ed.. Washington D.C.. Congressional quarterly Inc.. Little, Dick. 2006. Illegal immigrant problem growing. Paradise (10 November 2007). Richardson, Bill. 2007. Realistic Immigration Reform. Richardson for President. (10 November 2007).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Dilemmas of Conscience in The Crucible Essay - 2815 Words
The Dilemmas of Conscience in The Crucible The play The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller written 1950s but was first performed in 1953. It is set in Salem, Massachusetts in the spring of 1692 and is about a small community torn apart due to accusations of witchcraft. In this essay I am going to write about the affect that conscience has on peoples minds and decisions. Miller once said Now I wanted to move closer to a conscious hero. By this he meant after his last play he wanted to move closer to a character that was aware of what he has done i.e. sins and that he becomes a hero for it. I will analyze John Proctor, Reverend John Hale and Goodwife Elizabeth Proctor because these three all have their own moral†¦show more content†¦He dislikes Reverend Samuel Parris because he is a selfish man, only interested in things for personal gain and has no care for the community. Also Proctor cant stand Parris talking about the apocalypse and telling everyone they will go to hell. Aswell as this he dislikes the hysteria in the community, by this I mean suing each other wherefore is everybody suing everybody else. Proctors first struggle with his conscience is his affair with Abigail. I have seen you since she put me out. Here Abigail is saying that even after goody Proctor has kicked her out of their service and home, as a result of the affair, Abigail has still been seeing John Proctor. But John Proctor stated that I have hardly stepped off my farm this seven month by saying this he is trying to revoke what Abigail said and try to rebuild his marriage and relationship with his wife. Abigail was the servant girl for the Proctors, but while she was in their service she had an affair with John Proctor. As a result of this Elizabeth sacked her from her job and banished her from their home. John Proctor had realized what he had done and ended his affair with Abigail, which she was none too happy with. Abigail tried to get him back by reminding him of the good times they had I know how you clutched my back behind your house and sweated like a stallion whenever I came near. Abigail has made it obvious that her relationship with John Proctor was highly sexual and that proctorShow MoreRelatedThe Dilemma of Conscience that Proctor Faces in Arthur Millers The Crucible1495 Words  | 6 PagesThe Dilemma of Conscience that Proctor Faces in Arthur Millers The Crucible Conscience is the awareness of right and wrong. In the Crucible, the idea of conscience is strongly emphasised. Throughout the play, John Proctor is faced with situations regarding his family, friends, himself and moreover his moral conscience. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Matrix Review Essay Example For Students
Matrix Review Essay Directed and directed by Andy and Larry Wachowski Keanu Reeves as a martial-arts master and savior of the earth? Laurence Fishburne as his mentor? The world as we know it does not even exist? Surely, you cant be serious. Welcome to the fascinating and confusing world of The Matrix. In this sci-fi thriller, Reeves stars as Neo, a computer programmer by day and cyber-hacker by night. Out of nowhere, he is contacted by a group of super hackers who tell him that his life is in danger and his only hope is to trust them. The groups leader, a quiet but confident man known as Morpheus (Fishburne) tells Neo that he is the one chosen to save the world and that the Matrix is the wool that has pulled over your eyes that you are a slave. Neo is the worlds only hope. In a nutshell, Morpheus explains that computers developed on their own and won a brutal war against man. So the computers made a program to put all of the slaves back in the past, which is our present day. He tells Neo that he can chose either to live now or to see what the world is truly like. Neo chooses the latter, and the trip down the rabbit hole begins as does the fight for the salvation of humanity. But the battle must be fought out in The Matrix, not the real world, where computer sentinels are seemingly invincible and where the laws of physics can not only be bent, they can be tossed right out the window. With that kind of freedom, characters can run up the sides of walls, leap incredible distances, dodge bullets, and with the help of Hong Kong stunt specialist Yuen Wo Ping, pull off some of the most impressive kung fu fight sequences ever filmed. Slow-motion film sequences, some shot at the rate of 12,000 frames per second, allow the filmmakers to manipulate the on-screen action much like in the Gap commercials where the dancers are frozen and the camera angle shifts around them. Andrew Mason lends the film the same look he gave Dark City, only this time the good guys wear black and everyone else is either a sentinel or prime fodder for target practice. Another reason this movie is so great is that the stars actually did their own stunts and learned martial arts. There are close-ups during the fight scenes of the actors face, not some stunt double. Each showdown between good and evil, in the form of robots that look like human agents, becomes more thrilling with both the action and the special effects. The acting in this movie is exceptional. Keanu Reeves was perfectly past for his part as Neo. The part did not require an extreme amount of depth, something that Reeves is not known for. But he is able play the part very well. Carrie-Anne Moss also plays in her best role to date. She was able to act her part out very well without having to talk brainless mush, as most women have to do in action flicks today. The two most amazing performances were by Laurence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving. They both had not been known for anything except a few low budget films. Laurence Fishburne plays the part of Morpheus to perfection. He uses his cool demeanor and his commanding presence to give life to a charater the world will not soon forget. Similarly Hugo Weaving also plays a part few people will ever forget. I mean who can forget his famous Mr. Anderson line. He uses his perfect enunciation and dry demeanor effectively to create a menacing villain that audiences will love to hate. Another part The Matrix excelled in was its use of theology. .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d , .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .postImageUrl , .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d , .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d:hover , .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d:visited , .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d:active { border:0!important; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d:active , .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u072ffbe9e9c328ebe12a71e710ab616d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Invisible Man Essay PaperMany movies that come from Hollywood tend to shy away from religious debates, while The Matrix has allusions to the Bible all over the place. The movie is a new testament for a new millennium, a religious tale of the second coming of mankinds messiah in an age that needs salvation as desperately as ever. In conclusion the special effects in this film are amazing and worth the cost of renting the movie. Whats great about the film is it has the performances and story to back it up. Reeves is as good as he can be, Fishburne is wonderful as always, Weaving is the perfect unrelenting bad guy and Moss is strong and smart. The fighting sequences are also pretty incredible. The martial arts instructors created a fantastic show. This is an intense film that really brings the computers taking over the world story to a different level. What if our reality was just a computer simulation? Would you want to know or not? All interesting concepts. The movie also has a lot of replay value. The multiple story layers will have you watching the movie over and over again just so you can see what new information you can find on The Matrix. If youre a sci-fi fan and you still havent seen this film, this is one you do not want to miss.
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